
I mentioned in yesterday that we had a bittersweet day awaiting us today. It's The Man's 70th birthday. I had planned a lovely evening meal: starter of pate & biscuits, then duck, his favourite, with plum sauce, followed by Eton Mess. Delicious!

Earlier The Man spent his birthday lunchtime in a pub.

Question: What could be bad about having a lunchtime drink with 50 or 60 ex-colleagues?

Answer: One of them was missing. The 63 yr-old dear friend of The Man's whose funeral we had just attended.

So sad that our friend had died, especially as it was during the night after his 35 wedding anniversary. However, it was a very uplifting service full of love for the deceased. No empty seats and many standing at the Crem. Humorous eulogy and address. Rousing singing of hymns. We had to sing loudly, the vicar said we didn't do "Bread of Heaven" justice (well, there were only 3 Welsh in the congregation) and if we didn't do better with "How Great Thou Art" we would have to sing it again!

Anyhow, it's snowing outside and the birthday continues with a bottle of Bowmore!

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