Where My Heart Is

This is one of those decorative cans originally filled with candy but now containing other things.  It's on my shelf.  The day was grey but thankfully not too wet, just a thin drizzle on and off, as though someone was playing with a light switch but, instead of light, a drizzle.

Went to work, worked, went back home.  Before I left for work, though, as you might guess, I thought of getting updated with the latest news.  When I saw what was on the news, I was thankful I didn't stay up till 5 a.m. the way I usually do when some counting and tallying need to be done.  Somehow, I had a feeling this was going to happen.  The referendum in June ... the election of Duterte as president in The Phil ... it was all adding up and I had the sensation that I was looking at the drain in the kitchen sink and that no matter how quickly I could have gotten hold of the cover to stop the water, I was going to be too late.  I went up to wake hubby with the news, and our conversation went like this --
Me - 'Wake up.  He won.'
Hubby, eyes closed, buried under the duvet, mumbled, 'No.'
Me - 'And now we're counting 4 years of this.'
Hubby, still under the duvet, eyes closed, mumbled, 'No.  Eight.'
Let it be recorded on my blog today that hubby predicted this and that I agreed.  We don't always use our crystal balls at the same time, but when we do, it's frightening.  When I got home from work, after having had a nice day, I remembered that something had irritated me in the morning.  Tried to recall what it was, and then I remembered ... 'Yea, that was irritating, yes.'

Will focus on what is dear to me, to us.  Hubby.  Our home.  Our being together.  Will there be war?  Will there be more crises?  No use being afraid of these things, and if they come, they will also pass.  Right now, I am simply thankful for all that is good in our life.

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