La vida de Annie

By Annie


A trip today to Eureka in Halifax, an interactive science museum/playcentre for children. Present were #1S with partner and #1GD; #2S; #1D with partner and #1GS; #2D and me. That's all 4 offspring with parents of both grandkids. It's a great place to stimulate the kids but a dreadful place if your brain can't cope with any extra stimulation other than what's needed to get calmly through the day. I had misgivings beforehand, but couldn't miss the chance to see all the spread-out family at once. The grandson who's three and a half, and his first cousin, my grandaughter who will be three on Tuesday, show a strong family resemblance and could be brother and sister. Great to see them, and lovely to see them enjoying themselves. #1D had prepared a veritable picnic feast, which was much nicer than anything we could have bought in the cafe. I'd attempt to describe all the ingenious activities there, but my brain rebelled in the first 5 minutes so I just walked around in a zombie state trying not to faint/trip/scream for 2 hours. Flashing lights, strange sounds, mindblowing optical illusions, and above all the excited shrieks and screams of more than 100 children, mostly under 10 and largely the toddler end of the scale. I may need to take time out tomorrow.

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