Where the Light Gets In

By DHThomas

We did it!

onstage together
of course it was not perfect
but we had our fun

So that's one good thing done. Some lines were missed, others were a bit late, but nothing so serious that it put the play at risk. We're not professionals, and the audience doesn't know the text, so they didn't know we'd skipped two whole pages... :-D They had good laughs, so all is well.

On Monday we meet again, to choose our new play. Sadly the troupe will be losing two members, but we'll also have new recruits.

Extra: the whole troupe and our director, Massimiliano.

Thank you all for your encouragements on Friday night. I didn't thank you then not to jinx things. What? No, I'm not superstitious, it brings bad luck! ;-)

Thanks to Julie for taking the photos.

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