A Sunday to remember

A bit of an interrupted nights sleep, we woke to damp grey skies......after breakfast we decided to watch the Remembrance parade and service on tv. I've watched it before but never from beginning to end......and I think as you get older it's significance becomes even more powerful.......when the mass bands played Nimrod, that got both of us, out came the tissues! The first of several occasions today, including Countryifle and now Strictly!!

Afterwards we went out for a walk, down to the farm for some vegetables for dinner, fresh eggs, then on to the newsagents for hubs paper. There was a bit of drizzle in the air so I didn't take my camera :-/

We had a coffee when we got back home, followed by a home made BLT :-)

I put a turkey breast wrapped in bacon in the oven to roast for dinner with roast potatoes, carrots, broccoli and gravy.

I did make a cake this afternoon, an Almond and Raisin fruit cake......fruit soaked in Pedro Ximénez sherry of course ;-) I hadnt made it before, but it turned out rather well and tasted lovely! Here's the proof, well, of how it looked anyhow ;-)

I couldnt believe it was actually going dark at 3pm today, we had to put a lamp on!
I still haven't wrote anymore "c" cards...... maybe later!

Just watched Strictly results whilst typing this, phew Greg, that was close, but he said Blackers next week, yay!!!!

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