Distressing Times .....

.... in the Shakey Isles

Yesterday we sat near that wrecked ship, sharing stories about how we used to text each other when there were quakes, making sure everyone was all right.
Little did we know that just over 12 hours later we'd be doing the same thing, all over again.
A friend has just told me that yesterday's image looks like tsunami damage. I guess it does.

The first 7.5 quake, just after midnight, lasted over 3 minutes; it felt like an eternity. The tsunami siren warnings started going off and lasted all night. Those near the ocean evacuated, we on the hills stayed put. The image shows a red line of car lights, snaking out of Southshore, away from tsunami danger. And there were many many aftershocks, a few over 6. Sleep? Not much. No damage to houses around about here, thankfully.

North of Christchurch, Kaikoura has suffered horrendously. The residents will have to cope with disruptions to their lives for a long time to come. Their only access now is by air, with roads north and south blocked and broken. Two people died.

It's all very distressing for everyone. Again. Please God no more tonight, so we can all sleep.

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