
Supermoon, closer to earth, bigger and brighter in the sky tonight than it has been for 68 years! According to NASA, today's supermoon became full within about two hours of the point nearest the earth -- arguably making it an extra-super moon. A supermoon occurs when the earth, the moon and the sun are in alignment and the moon is closest to the earth at the time of a full moon. Supermoons generally appear to be 14% bigger and 30% brighter than other full moons. Last time a full moon took place at such a close distance was in 1948 and the next occurrence will be in November 2034. By the way, supermoon is not an astrological term. It's scientific name is perigee-syzygy.

It was cloudy all day so it felt like a miracle when the evening sky became clear revealing the moon!

-4°C, cloudy

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