Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Arthur's Seat!

Archie still has his little 'turns' occasionally at night - running round, tail between his legs, or standing in a corner, shaking. The only thing that settles him is to cuddle up on the bed. Which is fine. I really don't mind sharing my pillow with a quietly sighing and snoring, hairy, hot little head. Last night he didn't budge from the sofa, but came in the morning when invited. Much better.

This morning JR and Archie made an apple cake for Elizabeth's mum's birthday, but I did get to lick the (meagre) contents of the scrupulously spatula-scraped bowl.

He knows something's up when the poo bags and bag of treats are put out and the front door is opened. He's up at window, peering out, ready to go crackers when someone he knows appears at the gate. Well, today Elizabeth appeared!! One very happy dog.

They had a huge walk. Newington Cemetery to visit a grave, Arthur's Seat (here he is, waiting for Elizabeth to catch up), the Meadows... I anticipate a deep slumber tonight with no silly nonsense.

Tennis (on TV) this afternoon, though only a two-set match. Just as well Murray's match isn't on (BBC)TV this evening, as Anne is coming round for tea and to watch another couple of episodes of The Crown, which is a much better plan.

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