In search of red squirrels

Accompanied MrM to a red squirrel conservation event in Stannington today - very interesting, especially the talk on the re-introduction of the pine marten to England. After a buffet lunch, there was a walk to Stannington churchyard, in the hope of seeing red squirrels on the feeders there. Predictably, with about 30 people all chattering in the churchyard, the red squirrels declined to put in an appearance! It was, however, a very interesting churchyard.

A quick trip to Morpeth later in the afternoon, to buy gloves for MrM and look for Christmas gifts. We failed miserably on both counts, but enjoyed refreshments at the surprisingly good bus station cafe, and had a very pleasant walk by the river.

Home to cook a quick meal (a delicious seafood casserole courtesy M&S) before heading over to Etal for a concert - Mairearad Green and Anna Massie, both brilliant musicians. Shattered by the time we crawled in to bed...

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