Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling


I saw a lot of clammer about this supermoon in the media - it is typical hype around such events, principally used to fill column inches (that sounds old-fashioned, doesn't it?).  Tucked away amongst the other facts being offered was that there was very little likelihood we would be able to discern any difference in size from when the moon was further away!

Still, it resulted in lots of images of the moon here today, and I am no different.  I'm glad I took the images when I did (at about 6:00 am) because by the time the moon was setting it was hidden by an impenetrable barrier of cloud.  

Spent the day in a couple of Skype sessions with work; modern technology is amazing, but I still felt like a bystander looking in, rather than able to contribute fully to the discussions.  I imagine my colleagues may have thought I was more like a fly on the wall.

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