Whoop whoop

A quick trip down to Farranamangh to see if any whooper swans had arrived. They had and were busily feeding in the lake - the resident mute swans, two adult s and their two cygnets, keeping a snooty distance in the reeds.
Here are some incredibly interesting facts about whoopers:
* They are the biggest swans in the northern hemisphere
* They have a wingspan of up to 2.75m and can weigh up to 9.8kg
The largest ever recorded was a male over-wintering in Denmark - he was an impressive 15.5kg - too much hygge!!
* They fly in V formations and have been spotted as high up as 8000m
* They fly in from Iceland
* They feed on watery plants but are not adverse to the odd  bit of waste potato or sugar beet
* They are very elegant with long straight necks and yellow above their beaks
* They have a very distinctive honk
Here they are in action.

By the side of the lake is a house with polytunnels and gardens with a   flock of chickens who came rushing over when they saw me, hoping for some food. A little shyly behind them was this fellow - see extra, and behind him were four alpacas! I fear his days are numbered.

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