One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

The wheels on the bus

Go splish, splash, splosh...

I am not a major fan of public transports.
It's the public part that bothers me.
I love buses as much as the next man. It's the sharing with others that is tough.

I like walking to work. It's a good time to reflect, and listen to music.

But this morning, it was really chucking it down.

I hopped on the bus.

And almost instantly regretted the EUR2 they charge for such a short distance.

To travel in the company of others...

I may review my position when the time comes to be given a bus pass. All the holders of such an item known to me seem to derive a great pleasure out of the said pass. 

Knowing my luck, one will have to be 72 to qualify by the time my generation gets to that stage... 

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