Flower Friday - Chrysanthemum

Just a quick FF blip today as we're getting ready to head off to Whitby tomorrow for a little holiday there. I don't think I'll be bathing in the North Sea but I'm hoping to get some good blippertunities.

This is one of the chrysanthemums in the bunch I bought for my Editor THREE weeks ago - they're still doing well! I suspect my Editor would say that it's because I won't turn on the heating in the sitting room until about 5pm as we don't use the room until the evening...no point in spending money unnecessarily and contributing to global warming more than we have to - and it saves me money on buying her flowers too often as well...  ;-)

Many thanks as always to BikerBear for hosting FF.

(Sorry that comments may be sparse for the next few days while we're away, but I'm hoping to have internet for uploading blips. We're going to have a mini-blipmeet with riversider later in week which will be nice.)

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