Mountain Festival Day2

I like that we can't pick and choose at the Festival, though I also know the organisers play to our strengths. This year there's been a major change to how the program works - films are no longer curated by endeavour (say, Climbing, Mountaineering, Skiing) but by theme - so now we have rather nebulous conceptualisations like Vision, Curiosity, Change.
It's been mentioned on occasion that I'm (ahem) comfortable with the sound of my own voice - I know I'm good an improvising, but I also love to learn and experience - so I think I've been put on some of the more contentious collections this year, and out at some of the bigger sessions to gauge how this new format is going, so far it's good - nobody left either of the shows, but I have noticed that the queue at the information desk is quite long....change is never easy.
I'm blipping this betwixt sessions, it's rare to do 3 in one day, but I've been rewarded with Saturday off - and get to present one of the 'Best of' shows on Sunday, so I know I've done my fair share. Next for me is Curiosity - and I'm in our newest, and frankly most interesting, venue - the Movie Truck - I've had a sneak preview and it is awesome - a real old picture house feel inside.

My picks so far are;
The 82 yr old Skydiver
Dear Alison

Philosophy Friday
I don’t like the idea of “understanding” a film. Either a film has something to say to you or it hasn’t. If you are moved by it, you don’t need it explained to you. If not, no explanation can make you moved by it.
Frederico Fellini

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