The green green grass of home

Most people probably think that the cows and sheep just graze on grass that simply grows wild.

I grew up around an arable farm, so plowed fields are normal to me, part of the cycle of life. But when we first moved to these wilder Dale's I was surprised to see that the farmers plow and sow the pasture every 2-3 years. It's a fascinating process and level of endeavour to watch. That said, I just kinda liked the contrasts for today's blip.

In other news I learnt today that the tread of winter tyres is directional. Would have been good to learn that before I'd changed all four wheels..... 
I also serviced the exercise bike. It's now quiet and I can watch videos while pedalling. I did however break the brake. Which made me ponder why a static exercise bike has a brake to break?

Ps- is it OK to be a little proud that our marvellous murmuration is currently occupying 4 of the top 9 spots on popular :-) very pleased so many Blippers have gotten to enjoy such an amazing spectacle.

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