KMF Day 3

An excellent final day at the festival.
Started early presenting the Imagine collection in the wonderful Movie Truck and finished very late presenting the 'Best of' in the Shakespeare Centre.
Betwixt was food, friends and laughter.

I also got to meet Steve Bate star of yesterday's inspiring film Focus. It's not every day you get to hold an Olympic Gold medal. Steve's sign off line is "don't tell me I inspired you - tell me what you did with it...." fabulous.

So here's a selection of my personal favourites.
AMA - winner of best short film. I can't begin to explain how this got entered into the mountain festival - but I'm oh so glad it did. six minutes of sheer beauty. I presented this twice and it just gets better and better.
The Frenchie - if you're looking for a little inspiration as wear & tear, old age & doubt creep in - then this film might just make you sit up and think...
This Mountain Life - three only very loosely interconnected tales from the mountains of British Columbia - but shot in the most beautiful way. Winner of best visuals. I can't help thinking there were three full films in there. At present only a trailer, apologies.

My final choice is Ascending Afghanistan. Not yet publically available it's a (very) stark dose of the reality of what it means to be female in Afghanistan today - mountain climbing truly is a metaphor for the struggle these women face. It has disturbing scenes - all the more so for the apparent normality of them. Not all heroes get a medal.

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