Selfies from the Brink

By Markus_Hediger


Nothing but rain. I had to stay inside with my new câmera and decided to play around with my external flash and some manual settings. I washed the black wall our daughter uses as a black board, let it dry and then tried to make my supermodel Penélope sit in front of it and look at the camera.
The three older dogs were agitated and nervous because they had seen how Aristóteles, our youngest, had been taken on a ride and they had to stay home. What they didn't know was that Aristóteles was - finally - being castrated.
Penélope found it hard to concentrate. She kept looking all over the place. And when two flies decided to buzz around her head, we had to put delay our photo session. I was lucky enough to get this one shot with her looking at me.
I'm quite happy with the result for the first day of playing around with manual settings. (I didn't expect to remember some of the fundamentals my father taught me many years ago when he gave me my first camera, a Minolta X-500).

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