Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

In the headlights

We don't invite people round to our house. We might make an arrangement to go out somewhere together or friends might call us to ask if it's OK to come round and visit at such and such a time and usually we'll say yes. We received a call from a couple who haven't seen us for a while and they fancied popping round on Sunday, was that OK? Yes of course. So when the supermarket re-opened at 5pm I nipped out to get some nibbly things.

Returning home through the lanes at dusk a hare leapt out in front of me and raced along the road. Mercifully it was only a few yards short of home. I say 'mercifully' because it seems that once a hare is in the car headlights it is unable to swerve off into the darkness and we have known of cars following hares for about 2km. As it happens there is a bend in the road and as the hare took it he was no longer illuminated by the headlights and so stopped and sat very still. I saw him as I rounded the corner so I stopped and whipped the camera out.

If you've not had experience of this inability to get out of the lights you might enjoy this, though I warn you, it's a bit sweary!

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