The last leaves of autumn

We've had a storm passing this morning and there are barely any leaves left on some of the trees. Yesterday's hard work of sweeping the drive is mostly undone, but we're glad the trees held their own (saw a fallen tree at the parking terrain of the supermarket).

I had even harder work deciding whom to give my 5 hearts to for Abstract Thursday as there were so many great entries. What a wonderful, absolutely colourful Thursday it turned out to be, thank you all so much for diving into the theme and getting so creative. I hope you didn't mind looking up Fauvism (confession time, I was just starting to do a free online course with MoMa about Modern Art (which was a rather ridiculous action because I have hardly time to photograph, let alone do a course, at the moment, so I'm re-starting next week) and Fauvism is the first art movement within what we call Modern Art according to that course, and obviously I had had to find out more about it too. But just look at what you all did with the theme, it's a fantastic collection, see them all here.

I've hopefully commented on all 85 entries and given them a star (if not, please tell me!) and after much soul searching I've given my hearts to
Seasidesusie   for her Mondrian-like stained glass effect
Doingok            for  the lovely decorative effect of her tree
Admirer             for very  colourful shapes on fabric
Saltandvinegar for vibrant geometrical shapes of a windowpane with vase
Blouseybrown  for a  Van Gogh like room image

Thank you all so much for participating, next Thursday it's Thanksgiving Day in the USA , so I thought a very general theme of 'thanks' would be apt. By the way, anything goes, don't feel constricted by any theme and do with or without the themes what you like, Abstract Thursdays should be about having fun being creative. Looking forward to next Thursday's entries (and I do realise the American Blippers might have something else to do this Thursday, but backblipping is fine too!) This Thursday's tag will be AT74

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