
Oh wow what a day! Out cycling with the CTC this frosty morning. As I had had my birthday I thought we should take the tandem out for a spin.

The fields were were white with frost but the roads seemed ok. One of the group had to abandon as they came off en route to the meeting point and had damaged their bike. Another decided to abort as he has a skiing holiday booked, but the rest of us continued. It was a beauty morning, blue sky, and very cold, our first winter ride. We were about 15 miles in, and came to a very frosty road, although it wasn't frost it was ice. The first rider braked, causing B to brake and we saw her going down. Mr PB could do nothing but brake or ride over the top of B, of course this caused us to come off too. The road was so icy a passing car skidded all over the place. We re grouped a little further down the road and reviewed our injuries. Mr PB and I were just bruised, but B was in pain and decided to abort. A subsequent trip to A&E revealed she had chipped a bone in her shoulder. She obviously cushioned our fall!

Later my mum and sister came over for dinner. They insisted on getting a taxi rather than one of us pick them up. I was starting to wonder, and thought maybe my present was that the boys were coming home. They arrived without either of the boys, and delayed ordering dinner for ages. Then in walks L! What a surprise. My sister gave me a huge box and said to open it very carefully - no scissors or knives to cut the tape. Once opened out floated this balloon. Oh wow I have always wanted to go up in a balloon, and a passing comment when we saw one gave my sister the idea. I cried.

The rest of the evening was fantastic, with the one exception that Fu wasn't with us. But I am going to see if we can visit him next weekend.

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