Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


As we say up here: Scotland: The Hame of Tennis

World singles No 1 - Andy Murray
World doubles No 1 - Jamie Murray
World singles Paralympic No 1 - Gordon Reid

What a match. Phew. So pleased for Andy - he's worked so hard for it.

This afternoon JR had just got her coat and hat on to take Archie up the hill on a cold day, when Kirsten texted and asked if he was free - she'd been studying all day and just needed a break. Great!

I changed the neighbour's visit to earlier in the afternoon because of the 6pm tennis match. They were still here at 6pm, but I didn't feel rude for switching the TV on (mute) as they all ('cept me) tucked into the third bottle of Prosecco and array of cheeses and biccies. They're good fun and we're sorry to see them go.

JR has spent some time tidying up front the garden and planting some new things. Then the wee birds come and scatter the soil everywhere. Archie looks suitably impressed! Not.

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