A very faded 1981 advert for a Honda CB750FA.

I've owned motorbikes since 1978. Haven't actual ridden one in recent years, as I enjoy my cycling much more. As regards the one in the photo, I bought a really tatty one back in about 1988, and only sold it last Summer. It was in rough condition when I bought it, and was damaged by some thief that first tried to steal it, by forcing the ignition with a screwdriver... he'd failed to notice the large lock I had through the front wheel. Alas on his next attempt, after failing to cut through the lock with a hacksaw, he pinched some expensive parts from it. Parts that I couldn't afford to replace. He'd obviously crashed a similar bike, and upon finding how expensive the bits were, thought he'd save some cash by stealing mine. I suspect I found out 'whodunnit' a while later, but that's another story.

When a better paid job eventually came along, starting a mortgage was higher priority than fixing the bike, so it became a, "one day I'll..." project. After almost twenty years, that wasn't ever going to happen, especially as I really prefer smaller, and much lighter bikes than this behemoth was! So sold it was, to a work colleague, for his project. T'was good fun though, whilst it worked...

I kept the advert as a reminder as to how the bike should look... one day.

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