Please Let Me In!

Today it has done nothing but lash down with rain all day! I could hear it on the window when I woke up and it made me want to stay in bed! I couldn't do that today though as I had to visit my Mum and Dad.

It wasn't too bad going over to my parents' but coming back it was unbelievable! I got soaked to the skin and then some idiot in a car sped past me through a puddle just to be sure I was properly dripping when I got on the train.

On the way back through the village I saw this handsome creature jump up into his windowsill and miaow loudly to be let in. He reminded me of my Minstrel scaled up to twice his size! He looked less fluffy than Minstrel - I think Minstrel has the right amount of fur for a full sized cat like this on his much smaller frame. This cat has different coloured eyes to Minst - much more amber - and he's not pure black how Minst is!

Minstrel himself is warm and cosy indoors, but keeps running around like a crazy thing when the rain falls fast, as it's quite noisy!

Jae reckons he stayed in bed until 2 P.M! He may well have done as he had a friend to stay over last night and they watched a wrestling Pay Per View on TV and it finished about 4 A.M I think! At least they'd tidied up the chaos they'd left in the front room by the time I got home!

I have work tonight! I'm expecting a hectic first hour or two when folk are heading home from work, and a quiet evening to follow if the rain continues as it is!

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