
A spectacular day in Lakeland with fellow blipper Fairweathergirl.
We were out on plan B thanks to the icy nature of some of the high high fells,but on entering Langstrath it was clear that enough snow had been stripped from the exposed rock to make a scramble up Cam Crag Ridge an exciting but ok proposition - basking in the sun at Woof Stones it was simply glorious - and much to FWG'S amusement I managed to capture the little Hawk Jet in extras - yes I see them most days and yes they make me grin most days, a life I'm glad wasn't, but might have been.

We got off the hill in the dark (more good practice, - extra 2) but that was an excellent price to pay for the fabulous views of Fleetwith Pike and the impossible (for us) to capture Milky Way.

However some days, no matter how good, there's a moment when you know what blip will be - today as we turned the corner in Langstrath, still in the oh so cold shadow of Heron Crag, we made a plan to walk till we entered the sun before we stopped for coffee - at Johnny's House we were greeted by the sun cresting Sergeants Crag and I knew. A fabulous start to a grand day out.

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