
By JoJoGlister

Autumn (Blip) Walks

I had the pleasure of going out for a lovely Autumn walk with fellow (master) blipper and teacher Neale55 today.
We went to Emmetts in Kent and aside from the multiple trips to the café and eating lots of bad stuff, we took some gorgeous photos too.

If you listen to Neale55 he'll tell you; I can't see paths in woodland areas, I don't see electric fences and have to be physically held back from walking into them and if I'm asked any form of question, I try to find the silliest and most amusing answer possible. 
But, if I hear a shout of "don't move", I've learnt that means don't even breathe until you hear the all clear call of "ok". That way you can never been accused of being in someone's shot........

Lots more in the extras - I couldn't pick a favourite today, but the main one chosen was because of the stunning red colours I managed to get from the leaves on the tree.

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