
By KimChristie

Quarry Part I

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Spent part of the day down at our favorite beach today. On the way there is a quarry (not really sure if that´s really what it is, blooming great mounds of gravel and stone at least) which I have for quite some time been wanting to use for a blip.

In fact I have been down there before and taken some shots but didn´t like anything I got.

Anyhow, I figured I would give it another go today. So this afternoon we went back and I put the kids to work!!! Wee B loves it all! There were lots of "Should I do this mummy?"´s and "what now mummy?!"´s. Plus she got to play dress up!

This one is a bit of a cop out really as I have re-used the idea of Girl and Wall but we were running short on time (ie. it was already past teatime and almost past bedtime!) It doesn´t have quite the same drama, grandeur or scale of the aforementioned blip but I kind of liked it anyway.

I have Part I-ed this as I think there will be more! Even tempted to go down and get more again tomorrow!!! Let´s see. The little misses might not like it so much when the weather turns bad!!!

Check out the Husband of a blipaholics entry for the more miniature person.

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