Dear John

Today, you unexpectedly took a bow out of life, my friend.  56-years old is much too soon…
I’m numb. I saw your lifeless body this morning so I know that it is true. But I still can’t believe it.  Just yesterday evening, we were cheering as the City’s Xmas tree was being lit and enjoying dinner together.
You’ve been by my side as a friend, a confidante, a soulmate for the better part of my life in the US.  You might have been my ‘American brother.’ We went through thick and thin as colleagues in the workplace – celebrating great accomplishments and battling what seemed to be the world at times. Whether at work or outside of work, I could trust you with my fears and my worries: you always had the right words. You became an integral part of my family – the much loved honorary uncle – and you were my kids’ biggest fan.  Today, they, and my husband, are as distraught as I am.
When I left the corporate world, you were the first to encourage me to pursue photography. You’d come along on my outings and carry my bag as I roamed the streets for just that ‘perfect’ shot. You took notes for me as I ‘interviewed’ people on the street. And we’d laugh together at some of the things we’d hear or see. You made sure you had my back while I trained my camera on street life. Then, you’d pipe up and suggest it might be time for lunch or a coffee. I’d frown and say “I’m on a streak” but you’d be right, of course. Sandwiches weren’t good enough; a leisurely sit down was your thing.
I’d head home and process my photos; some days the choice was obvious; others, not so much. And you always came to the rescue. I’d send you my picks and you’d offer commentary. I wouldn’t let you get away with just choosing a picture: you had to explain why.  And back and forth we went over FB’s chat. Sometimes I’d overrule you and I’d invariably be wrong. But you never crowed about it. I think you took as much pleasure at reading positive comments on my blips as I did.
And now, you are gone.  I feel as though I’ve lost a sibling for the 2nd time in my life. You knew me better than I knew myself. I probably don’t realize it yet as I’m still in shock, but I’ll miss you more than you’d ever give yourself credit for. I know you thought no-one cared about you and you felt lonely at times. I wish you could see the outpouring of friendship and love from all corners. What a shame it took your dying for that to manifest…

So long, buddy: you changed my life forever.

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