The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

Bird Fair Day Three - Darting Here And There

And so my first Bird Fair experience has come to an end. And I'll put it in the locker with all the other incredible experiences of 2012!

If yesterday was sweltering today was broiling! Unbelievably hot! I have spent a small fortune on cold (non alcoholic drinks) today!

It's been a mixed last day at Rutland Waters. We spent some of the day on the reserve proper, and some of it in talks and lectures, and some of it saying goodbye to some of the people we said hello to three days ago!

It's the same feeling as the Hay Festival, you feel part of something, a vibe if you like. We will most certainly coming back next year. We've made some great friends here.

I have spent a lot of time chatting on the RSPB Stand today, and it was great chatting some faces I only know as RSPB Logos or Reserve pictures. One of the best moments of the whole weekend was someone from the North Wales RSPB Twitter feed saying how much they enjoyed my blogs. That one simple moment makes all the hard work that goes into them worth while.

We sat in a few talks again today; Mike Dilger, Best Bird Brain of Britain quiz, which was a scream, one by Kate Risely of the BTO on the Breeding Surveys and to top it all off, one on my home from home on Frampton Marsh.

We ended where we started back on Lecture Theatre one! A do like a nice bit of symmetry.

We managed to get out on the reserve, which is quite impressive, and may be a new stop off point instead of Frampton for a change. It's only an hour out of our way, and doesn't foreshorten the journey home really.

So that was that ... a busy few days that were thoroughly enjoyable.

I took this female common darter whilst talking to Cathy from the Newport Wetlands message boards. It was the tamest dragonfly I have ever come across. Short lens, close up and didn't fly off!

Homeward bound tomorrow, and normality returns after a busy weeks! It will feel strange.

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