Tiny Tuesday TT79

Thanks to Ninniex for hosting November. I am hosting today in her absence and December will be hosted by osuzanna. I will post my favourites on Thursday.We have had a cold snap and a bit of snow overnight but today was crystal clear and frosty. it was - 2.9° all day so went for a walk through the forest and took some frosty macros. It is a bit protected in the forest so there wasn't much interesting except for some moss. However, it went down to - 6.9° after the sun went down and I thought it might be a good chance to try for some soap bubble crystals. I mixed some soap and glycerin but it didn't freeze so tried the normal kid's stuff which landed nicely on the smooth window sills and held their shape for ages. It took ages for them to crystallise then I had to light them with the iPhone. It was too cold to muck around with the tripod and after about 10 mins my finger tips were freezing. The crystals formed into icy feathers. Next time I will be trying it in daytime. There is usually some very cold days in January. 

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