
A typical first day back.

Rotary for 7.15, and then work afterwards. A bit of pressure on the work front - not because I've been away (work continues as usual when I'm in Gaimersheim) but because other lawyers have been incredibly slow.

In case I haven't mentioned it, I have a very low opinion of lawyers after 30+ years of having to deal with them. I feel sorry for my client whose business purchase will have to be delayed. My next challenge will be to make sure no-one puts me under pressure as a result of the failures of others.

Rotary was better than usual. A good speaker and lively discussion. The speaker (pictured in the extra) is one of the best Rotarians I know, being the opposite of the typical image.

Ah, the Blip. Her photo faces me every week at Rotary. Sometimes I have to be told to stop drooling. About time she got centre stage.

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