Radiators and inversion

I went down to Kilchrenan this afternoon; for those of you who don't know it, it's a small village near the north side of Loch Awe, approached from the A85 at Taynuilt if one is coming from Oban. There's a great deal of empty land out there - hills, mountains, lochans, rivers and bogs and the road from Taynuilt takes you through some of it - and past a huge quarry too!

I was collecting a couple of radiators from a gentleman who had advertised them on Freecycle. I was about to ask if anyone had an unwanted one when as if by magic, this post appeared!

Freecycle is a wonderful idea and we have passed on and had passed on to us a number of things over the years. Video players, TVs, sheets of plastic, gardening magazines - all sorts of stuff. Far better than taking items to the dump - one person's cast-offs are on another person's wish list!

There was a lot of cloud inversion about today and I stopped a few times to take photographs. In this Blip the cloud seems to be leaking away down a gully!

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