
By angellightphoto

not according to plan

...while our guests were with us this weekend, our car sprang a fault that required a Land Rover technician to attend. After finding the cause, he was able to affect a temporary repair and has arranged for us to take the car to the dealer on Tuesday to be fixed under warranty.

Having been told that the vehicle was safe to drive, this morning we set off for Wareham Forest. Less than half way there, the same fault recurred, so we cut our losses and headed to Arne RSPB reserve, which was close by. I had seen and photographed some Black Darters Sympetrum danae there the weekend before last and, was pleased to find that they are still there. There were also several male Emperors but, as usual, they were far too busy hunting to sit down. This Black Darter is also a male and has come out in better focus than I expected as it was windy again this morning.

As we drove home, we were alarmed to see another warning lamp come on in the car. So, it was back on the phone to Land Rover...wait for a technician to arrive...get a phone call apologising for the delay...another phone call to say it will now be at 7am tomorrow...

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