
By mydayblipped

Last Supper

Today is the last day of the school summer holidays for my kids. They've been off 7 weeks (and a day) and tomorrow they put on the newly bought school uniform and head back to classes.
My daughter goes to 2nd year at secondary school.
My son goes into Primary 6.
My daughter has been counting the days til she goes back to school.
My son has been hoping that tomorrow just won't come round :D

So there is a bit of a tradition that on the last night of their holidays we go out for supper or takeaway..neither being an option this time, we planned a BBQ instead.
Asda, however, seem to deem that summer was over and had no disposable BBQs.
So all the food was cooked in the oven but we still sat outside to eat it and it still tasted fine :)

Other option for today's blip could've been a photo of the email telling me I GOT THE JOB!!!!
I am now going to be working as a support worker for the disabilities service at Robert Gordon University. I'll be proofreading and notetaking...LOL going to uni to take notes, this time earning money to pay off the debt accrued going to uni first time round myself, just this time I won't have to do the essays/assignments or the exams!
There's no guaranteed hours but fingers crossed I get something. Still doesn't feel quite real yet, maybe once I actually start working it will sink in. Been job hunting since I graduated in July 2011 (aside from 4 months Aug-Dec 2011 when I dislocated my knee)

Will be nice to have the extra cash, contribute to my house and family (very important to me) and I'll actually being doing something constructive with my time than playing games on facebook!

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