Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Never work with teenage boys!

Today was very special. Mum's friends Mavis and Alan from Taiwan came to visit us with their sons, S and C. It is 6 years since we saw them last. S, on the left, is now 13, very tall but quite young for his age. C is 18 and about to start university in Taiwan. He keeps a watchful eye on his younger brother.

Mavis and Alan came to Sunderland shortly after their marriage to further their studies. They had C while they were there and Mum has known them since soon after their arrival.

We had a lovely time catching up with all their news and hearing about their long summer holiday in the UK. Then we had the photoshoot. The boys were great, but S was happier using a camera rather than being the subject. I love this one - it's much better than stiff unnatural poses.

Mum will be 91 in 2 weeks time.

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