
By FarmerGirl

A 'special' day.

Today is a special day.  It's my birthday, and one of those birthdays where you celebrate having a '0' at the end of your age. 

It has taken me quite a few days to come to terms with entering into another decade.  Going to bed last night, I glanced at the clock and realised I had 90 minutes left before that special day arrived.  Instead of staying awake and enjoying my last minutes being a decade younger, I went to sleep.  And when I woke up it was too late.  I've now officially been on this earth half a century - now that does sound old.

I asked my mum this morning what time I was born, and she couldn't really remember.  That's what happens when you get start forgetting important things like this.  That's sad.

Today I've been totally spoilt by family and friends, and had this most amazing birthday cake given to me by Farmerboy.  It was delicious!  And a huge bunch of flowers was delivered to me at work - and they smell amazing.

The most important thing I have to try and remember is that now that I've turned 50, I really don't feel any older than I did yesterday when I was 49, and it really doesn't matter how old you are when you have your health, happiness and are surrounded by those that love you.

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