Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Annemique came to take Archie out for the day. She has an exam tomorrow, and so when she dropped him off, she intended doing some study. So good of her to give up her time to take Archie out.

We took advantage of his absence to pop down to the Waldorf Astoria for a brasserie lunch. And very nice it was too. Quiet jazz music, excellent service, delicious meal (half lobster for me, pig cheeks for JR). The charming maître d' even brought me a couple of cushions for my comfort.

Annemique wanted to return Archie slightly earlier today, so we didn't hang about town. I did have time to pop down the steps to the graveyard for an atmospheric shot on a dreich day.

Much discussion about the Big Holiday next year. Much indecision, too. So many choices. Need to decide soon...

Watch this space.

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