
By Wildwood

Delete the Street

Yesterday afternoon we went to a memorial for our dear friend and former neighbor, backpacking buddy, neighborhood ambassador, and defender of the less fortunate.I marveled at how strong the family resemblance was among his family members--brother, son and daughter and five handsome grandchildren. It's been a year since he and his wife moved to a retirement home in Oakland. I still listen for the sound of his garage door opening and look out for him wheeling his bike up the driveway. It's hard to believe that he is gone. I will miss him.

We've been getting notifications in our neighborhood all summer that there would be a paving project which would cause "significant delays" on the road at the end of our street.

DETOUR signs have appeared all over the place. I saw one just past a five way intersection apparently pointing down somebody's driveway. Maybe it was a place to turn around so you could go back and try to figure out what the sign really meant. It doesn't matter anyway, because nothing happened for so long that nobody pays any attention to the signs anymore.

The current explanation for all the delays is that a "special piece of equipment" was needed which was in another city. This is a State Highway, guys, who forgot to check on the special equipment?

Now that classes are starting at Cal and schools all over the city are opening, they have apparently found the special equipment and today's Blip shows it hard at work. To think that they give graduate degrees in "Traffic Management". Who needs a car anyway?

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