wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew


Some times I am humbled by my friends. You see I have been selfish. My patience level has been low and, my filters seem to be on vacation.
I don't know if I am still reeling at Dad's death or just lazy. Either way, this has not been a sterling 9 months.
I was given a gift last night. Now to some it's not a big thing however, to me, it was huge. See my friend Amanda remembered I love these chocolates. They made me SO happy. Never mind that she thought of me when I have been in my own world.
A lot of my friends have been patient and kind often thinking of nice things to say and things for me.
I am blessed and think it's time to be better.
Thanks to those who love me and support me.

And did I share?
Um no?

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