An interesting if somewhat challenging day

I woke up with a strange feeling in my abdomen. I poked around a little and, yes, it was my appendix making its presence known, as it did 5 months ago.  OK, not so bad, on with the day.
The car park near the university in Sundsvall has two levels. We drove up the road to the upper level but didn’t make it as the road was covered in ice. When we tried to back down, the car just slid across the ice towards some already parked cars. 2 hours later, assisted by some very helpful caretakers with a large bucket of grit, we managed to back down without hitting any other cars.
Did some work at work.
Had an acupuncture treatment with Lasse - there is an acupuncture point to help patients with a dodgy appendix but he doesn’t use it as it hides the symptoms that could be important if I go to the hospital.  Felt a bit better after the treatment.
Lovely meal with friends L & R. Somebody had to drive home but I didn’t feel like drinking so Jan got try the lovely mulled wine.  We drove home via the shopping center, and we got back about 11 o’clock. The photo was taken there - Systembolaget is owned by the state and is the only place you can buy alcoholic drinks stronger than 3.5%. It's a great system but I'll have to leave the reasons for my opinion to another blip.
When we got home the real adventures started. In English we talk about having a temperature, whereas in Swedish they use the word “fever”. I think the Swedish term better describes how I felt! About 30 minutes after getting in I went from feeling fairly OK to feeling really cold, over a 10 second period. I was suddenly shivering wildly with chattering teeth. I threw myself into bed and Jan gave me two hot water bottles, and covered me with three quilts!  It took about another 30 minutes before I warmed up, the shivering retreated and I fell asleep. Naturally I woke up an hour later wildly overheated and threw off all the quilts and stuff. That was a very interesting experience!
It's now the next day and I'm feeling fairly quiet but as long as I don't do anything I'm OK. I shall keep a close eye on developments as I know appendix problems can be serious.

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