Big problems with wifi so this will be delayed. Vowed to stay put today and just chill out but Ashok said he was going to a market garden to buy some more flower plants so I rode behind him on his scooter, side-saddle of course.  Some of the extra pics are of the market gardener, his plot, the inside of his hut and Ashok.  The main worry with these fertile and irrigated fields is that they attract all the wrong animals..  The link to my extra pictures is   on this entry  and if you enlarge them most have a caption. I haven't learned how to get the proper link - sorry
Pondering over things last evening it occurred to me that the elderly couple in the field hut were there as guards too.  I had peeped over their hedge which was made of roughly cut acacia branches and as I left I saw Cimita’s husband leaping across the newly sprouted field to shoo away a dog – the endlessly roaming cows, blue bull (enormous deer) and wild pigs would do even more damage.  Ashok saw the picture of the non-stairs up the tower in Jaipur and said in those times there was no concrete so crushed lime stone was used and sharp edges were not possible.
In the early morning a tribe of monkeys arrived.  They have stripped most of the guavas leaving a terrible mess. Nobody heard them. They lost 20 eggs from the fridge  last week which they forgot to lock  when they were having a siesta. They monkeys  smashed the eggs open and only ate the yolks.  Such is life in these parts.

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