Fast Moving

On my way back from Suffolk after visiting my mother I had already stopped for a sunset picture but then thought that fast moving traffic trails against a sunset sky could look quite good.  I drove along looking for a spot where I could stop (dual carriageway but not motorway) and found this spot.  The traffic is thundering past at motorway speeds and fast moving lorries really shook the car!  I caught this lorry at the right moment as it left its trails with reasonably good light in the sky. I was in my car but perhaps a tad too close to the traffic to be safe so decided to move along.

Not many miles down the same road there had been an accident and we were going nowhere!  Stationary for at least half an hour but I didn't check the time.  I had a flask of coffee and a camera to keep me amused by playing with light patterns - a bit mean really as some poor folk were not in such a good situation!  The only worrying aspect for me was that the car needed fuel!  

Home safely even if the journey did take far longer than it should. 

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