Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Dancing Santas

Saturday - Archie's favourite day. Elizabeth Day!

We decided to go into town to see the BP Portrait Awards at the Portrait Gallery. Some (most) of them are amazing, but they look like a photograph. I prefer the more 'painterly' ones. The central hall of the Portrait Gallery is even more gorgeous than usual with a big twinkling Christmas tree.

We walked through St Andrews Square, which was a-buzz with ice skaters, shoppers, drummers and, surprise surprise - dancing Santas (extras). Though one Santa looked like he should have been at the Elvis Impersonator Convention instead.

I'd had enough excitement after that and went home, but JR had a further wander, enjoying the Christmas lights in town. I really hurt my knee getting off the bus. And that's my good knee! Stepping down from the bus without a pavement is just too high still - six months after the op!

The 'hairy worm' arrived and I've hammered a few wee holes for the screws. We'll JR will fit it tomorrow, as I can't get down on my knees. The 'hairy worm' will, of course, stop the draughts at the front door.

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