Patience & Fortitude

Patience & Fortitude are the names of the lions who lie recumbent outside the New York Public Library.  This one is Patience, all decked out in his festive Christmas wreath.  It took boatloads of Patience and Fortitude to wade through the heaving sea of humanity shuffling down the streets of Manhattan in order to reach this location! 

WHAT was I -- a person known to panic in crowds -- THINKING when I suggested to Mr. W that New York City would be a swell place to celebrate our wedding anniversary?  This time of year in Manhattan is NOT the place for anyone who is the slightest claustrophobic! 

Well, I have survived to tell the tale, and we have had a very lovely time over this weekend -- especially when we could duck out of the seething tsunami of Christmas gawpers!  Heading back to the blessed peace and quiet of bucolic Connecticut tomorrow.  Extras are more Christmas bling.

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