Life with Alice

By elirin

Me In a Tree

Going out on my eleven o'clock walk, the big white fluffy cat that lives a block away was lurking near our bicycle stand. It will move, come on, said mum. But - it didn't move! We walked right past it. Weird cat! I stopped and tentatively sniffed on it, thinking maybe it wanted to say hello. I guess we did say hello before mum decided we'd better move on. Fishy...

The morning was glorious and sunny, and we both enjoyed the oak meadows walkies tremendously. Lots of jumping and running. We found this funny tree, and I got to practice my balancing skills.

A new Asian lunch place has opened near us, so mum went to buy us Thai takeout. At first, she said the red chicken curry was too spicy and that I could have any. She changed her mind, and I did get a few small pieces in the end. Yum!

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