Twinkly Lights

If a blip could epitomise my thoughts of yesterday then this is it. 

 Rob #1 son was given strict instructions to keep his Dad under a tight rein when they went out shopping together yesterday. I quite categorically stated, ‘Keep your father under control when it comes to buying twinkly lights!’   I had mistakenly thought I could trust them to go and buy some new lights for the Christmas tree without going overboard in any way, but no! Arriving home grinning mischievously I just knew. In fairness one of the boxes said the colour was copper - right - salesmanship - they were just trying to get rid of their unsold Halloween lights. These having been wrapped reluctantly round the tree looked hideous in our grey/pinky/maroon lounge so off they came tout suite! 

The next box of goodies transpired to be a laser projector thingy which the boys, that is Hubs and son, played with for hours which was supposed to outside. THEY think it’s wonderful ........ and ‘oos’ and ‘aahs’ were heard as they fiddled around with the settings. Bah humbug!

Can you have too many lights - I am told apparently not. What has happened to ‘tasteful’ all of a sudden? #1 daughter thought the whole episode was hilarious - she is an interior designer! 

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This is a shrub in the garden this morning as the sun hit the millions of sparkly raindrops; very Christmasy ...and Halloweeny too I thought :)

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