Waulkmill (Day 579)

Mum and Dad popped in last night on their way back from the choral concert they had been taking part in. We consumed a bit of cheese, wine and whisky. It was good to have them here again.
The morning wander up the hill was much later than of late, my beautiful wife having informed me that I was having the day off. I spent my morning off making use of my new saw to cut up some plywood. I am extremely impressed with it, especially the nozzle on the back which can be attached to a vacuum to collect the dust. Or it can be directed straight into the saw operator's pocket, filling it completely with sawdust.
After lunch (and hovering out of pockets) we took the dogs to Waulkmill. The tide was all the way out, giving the dogs plenty of space to run around. The view out over Scapa Flow was fabulous, with great clouds and wonderful light.
This evening we are having a "practice session" with Richard and Pam in anticipation of Luke's imminent arrival.

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