
Yesterday whilst we were out we had a (not entirely unexpected) phone call to say that our son's dog had not settled at the sitters and could we come and collect her.

So this morning I drove down to Hatfield to collect the dog and bring her back home. Not a pleasant journey as there was thick fog around. So having got rid of our daughter's dogs yesterday, we now have another canine guest staying until the end of this week.

She did settle down fairly quickly here, and we had a lunchtime walk – getting home just as the rain was setting in. Whilst out we spotted this sheep that had its head poking through the fence to eat the vegetation – but it had managed to get caught in a wire mesh fence and couldn't free itself.

This afternoon I spent continuing work on the 'project toddler room' – emptying rubbish and shredding loads of old paperwork in the 'office'.

Dogs are now settled down and I am hoping for a peaceful night tonight.

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