Free icecreams

Walked along Ponsonby Road today after I had got back from a very manageable day. Went past a fellow in a cow costume followed by two young women in black and white jump suits, all with labels saying "Ben&Jerry's". They were stopping mainly young people to tell them something. As I walked past, one of the young women called out "There's free icecream!"

I need to say that I had never heard of Ben&Jerry's. S has since informed me that it is an icecream cafe. So this is only partly advertising. Giving away their product is a Christmas present to those who accept (one of whom I was not). I turned about 100 m past their establishment, crossed the road, and found a place to sit. 

By this time all the wandering young persons had returned and were just talking to each other. One started to jive a bit, so I started to take photos. She caught sight of me, and staring directly at me started to dance more definitely (see the extra). Just before this last one (which I have chosen as my blip because it shows how happy they all were) I had waved, and I got this happy smile in return. Consent without words.

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