What A Sky This Morning

It was like one of those big fireworks that you can buy in a supermarket ........
You know the kind - big, blousey, full of promise. You light the fuse and watch it start and then ........ nothing! - it just fizzles out. A real disappointment. 

So I took the infared camera out at lunchtime to try and get something slightly different.
The log in the (brown) leaves kind of fitted the bill. As did the tree in the ski mask.
There is a bit of brick which I have seen before but today I did a few seconds of research and apparently it is local ..... made at the Hermand Brick & Tile Works, West Calder between 1890 and 1915.
I have photographed this root before, but I don't think I have ever shown it as an infrared shot.

Once again the headmistress at the school is showing her idiocy. This time she has issued a 'Good Behaviour certificate to a child who is always being pulled up in class for outbreaks of temper but there is no recognition for kids who are apparently of exemplary behaviour. 
How does that encourage the good kids? It is like the delinquents who get sent on holiday by the courts!  Completely arse about tit. I am going to have a drink!

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