They don't grow on trees...or do they...?!

At last our bathroom refurbishment is on the cusp of completion. One of the final jobs was to repaint the curtain poles, fixings and finials. The question arose as to how to support them while the paint dried without getting them stuck. My trusty old Workmate (and I don't mean the missus) came to the rescue, along with a few garden canes for the finials. The brackets balanced very nicely on those little black plastic plug-things which Workmates have. I painted the bits in the garage so as not to spill paint in the house (otherwise I might have "got wrong off" said missus); we don't have bare brick walls in the house, however trendy it may be at the moment.

(Note: Other makes of workhorses and of paint are available - and don't believe what it says on the tin: "One-coat" and "Non-drip"? - rubbish!  ;-)

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